Celebrity Astrology Story of the Week (October 1, 2012)
Arnnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver
The break up of this powerhouse/celebrity/political couple is old news but Arnie brought it back to the forefront this past week with the release of his memoir,
Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story

in which (among other things) he describes a 'hot' affair with statuesque Brigitte Nielson while he was dating now-ex-wife Maria Shriver.
Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger was born July 30 as a Leo and former spouse
Maria Shriver celebrates her birthday on November 6 - a Scorpio. In many ways, the two signs make a really sexy match. It's the Sun King hooking up with the dark and dangerous Pluto maiden, with lots of opposites attract sparks flying in the bedroom.
Leo is attracted to strong women and if he's the King, he certainly looks for a regal Queen as his spouse. As his
spouse.... that's where the game can begin to fall apart with Leo, as it did in this case.
Arnold, ironically, is displaying the classic Leonine conundrum - Jackie or Marilyn? Just like Jack Kennedy, another Leo in the classic mold, he wants a royal consort, a woman of quality for his public persona, but his libido drives him to seek out women who appeal to his baser instincts.
The Leo male has a big ego that's more fragile that it seems - he spends a lot of time and effort bolstering it so you won't guess at that, but with so many Lions, his Achilles heel is the attention he gets from women. It's

like a drug he can't do without. The kicker is often his sense of bravado - big enough that he thinks he can get away with it, juggle two lives, run a country or a state and get a lot on the side too. That part of his ego is always more than adequate.
Maria is a Scorpio, a passionate, deep soul who's also very private, unlike the ultra-gregarious Lion. The fact that their marital scandals were so public likely played a large role in how it affected her. She's a strong, dynamic survivor who prefers the sidelines to the spotlight and while the book is no doubt yet another unwelcome intrusion into her private life, she's moving on as we speak.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - public domain
- First Lady Maria Shriver at the Women's Conference book signing.
Date 26 October 2010
Source http://www.flickr.com/photos/35560790@N03/5118650925/
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