As a regular Friend With Benefits
This may just be the best possible relationship to have with an Aquarian male, (or maybe that's just me). It can especially work if you've decided that his company is worth having on an occasional basis, at a schedule probably decided by him – otherwise he'll claim it's too much like having a girlfriend, don't you
know? It can work if you've decided that he's interesting enough, both in bed and out, to warrant a role purely as a random and surprise visitor. You may just! Here, he can be as impersonal as he wants and you won't mind because there are no rules, he's just an occasional and very welcome intrusion into your life.

If you've hung out for long enough that he's started using the G word, though, don't expect much to change. Aries will always need his time away from you, whether that takes the form of regular nights out with the boys, or long hours at work and socializing with colleagues – or both. Just don't expect him to come up with a lot of mushy romance, or soulful kissing. On the plus side, you're never likely to become bored with your Aries lover, he'll always be taking the two of you into new directions, and he'll be receptive to your ideas too.
Virgo and Pisces:
Virgo and Pisces:
The good news: is that this well spoken man with the low key charm will excite you just about as much as your drippingly feminine appeal draws him in. In you, gentle Pisces, he'll find that safe, nonthreatening haven that will bring out the best (and the beast!) in him, and once he's relaxed, you'll reap the benefit of his
unleashed sexual passion. Your tastes in bed have a great chance of complementing each other, and you won't mind his sometimes slow pace at getting things started – recognizing it as part of his discerning nature. He doesn't want to move until all the pieces are in place. You'll be one of the minority who sees and values the Virgo's stellar qualities, and he'll love you for that.

As a casual, occasional, or one time lay you've probably met the Archer (Sagittarius) through some shared interest – at the animé or comics convention or something like that. That's what sparked the enthusiastic conversation that led him to discover your soulful dark eyes and pale beauty. Sagittarius has a very romantic sensibility, a chivalrous soul who feels good when he's being all manly and protective, (and there are worse male qualities, no?) so if you have a poetic, more or less artsy air and look about you, he's likely to be captivated. More than any other sign, though, he'll look through appearances to find out about the real you.

• Woodcut by Jörg Breu displayed in the Book of Emblems (Latin: Emblematum liber) by
Andrea Alciato (1531)
• Mosaic pavement of a 6th century synagogue at Breit Alpha, Jezreel Valley, northern Israel.
©2011 Anya Maria Wassenberg
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