Rihanna and Chris Brown
Rihanna made headlines this week by talking about an "old" story about her turbulent romance with Chris Brown on Oprah's show. It's probably not a coincidence that Pisces and Taurus keep grabbing the celebrity headlines this summer and coming up in the weekly celebrity astrology story. This time, they show up together in this former and - if any of the rumours are true - still occasional coupling.
Robyn Rihanna Fenty was born February 20 as a Pisces and she seems to be one of the slippery

Chris Brown was born May 5 - a Taurus. Taurus is also an emotional sign, but in him any idea of superficiality or shying away from those emotions is just about impossible. He's a true romantic, but the truth of it is that he's also a bit of a caveman at heart - and sometimes more than a bit! While he's popular with the ladies, he's also what previous generations called a 'man's man'. Every sign has both positive and negative possibilities and juggling the hand that's been given to you is your's life's work in a nutshell. For the male Taurus, the big question is, what does he do with that ultra-male part of him - and for our purposes, how does he handle his relationships with women?
In its most positive expression, that macho, semi-caveman Taurus becomes the chivalrous lover, his masculine instincts channeled into behaviour that's protective and solicitous - the kind of guy who will always open doors and carry heavy bags for his lady love even as he deeply respects her. With negative influences, be they in his chart or in his environment, Taurus can be outright domineering and something of a bully.
Rihanna is the epitome of that sexy Piscean ultra-woman; Taurus is all boy and has few defenses against her kind of appeal. It's a very natural sexual pairing of ultra-feminine and ultra-masculine vibes so it's not hard to see why the rumours continue to linger on about this once upon a time couple, or why she'd consider working with him even after his assault. She knows his temper, but she also knows there's more to him than that. Hopefully, he's learning how to direct that male aggression of his to productive and positive uses.
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