Lady Gaga is an Aries born March 28. Aries is often described as a force of nature and I think we can agree she fits that bill. Her current beau, actor Taylor Kinney, was born July 15 as a Cancer. The couple actually 'wed' - on camera in a video for her single You and I.

He's more settled and domestically oriented than restless Aries and the female Aries' whirlwind approach to life may prove to be the kicker in this relationship when it comes to deciding how long it might last. Cancer is often primarily a homebody or at least centred around a home base no matter what their lifestyle or career might demand, and that may not fly with the Ram's highly kinetic energy.
Certainly, he loves the Aries' appeal of girly on the outside and steely on the inside. She has a bright flame of life that he'll find warming but while the Ram is brash, the Crab's preferred exit is a subtle sideways step. Aries is a fighter but Cancer is more likely an avoider when it comes to conflict.
There's a lot more to an astrological chart than a sun sign, however, and in human behaviour, there's always a wild card. Anything can happen.
At the very least, the one place where their energies may just be pefectly matched is in bed - both of them tireless to say the least - and that can keep things simmering along for a long time in any relationship.
Lady Gaga - Yoü And I (Starring: Taylor Kinney)... by wonderful-life1989