Ozzy & Sharon Osbourne
Longtime celebrity couple Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne are said to be living apart these days although no divorce is in the works. Ozzy has admitted to taking up his old bad habits of drugs and drink.

Air and Fire signs can be a volatile combination - fire needs air, after all, to burn but too much makes the flames go too high. He's all excess and exuberance to her cool elegance and constant search for equilibrium but they'll share bright minds and a sense of adventure and fun. Both signs are independently minded, with their own circle of friends and interests to act as a buffer to marital irritations.
They've been married for 31 years - in a rock star's life, that's the equivalent of a lifetime or two already. With a marriage that's lasted this long, the focus should really be on what worked for so long rather than what isn't now - certainly, even the most tolerant, independently minded Balancing Girl will eventually lose her patience with the Archer`s messy excesses.
He's said in media statements that he's been using drugs and drinking again this past year - she's probably gotten sick of the disruptive effects to home and lifestyle; the wild and woolly becomes less endearing and more irritating.
Sharon`s now said to be returning to Simon Cowell's X Factor with a cool £2million deal - so if they do reconcile, we`ll know for sure it was for love because neither of them needs the money.
Image: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii – Heavy Metal rock star and reality television hit Ozzy Osbourne and his wife Sharon, tour the battleship USS Missouri (BB 63) while filming their MTV show "The Osbournes" in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. U.S. Date 9 March 2004