Wednesday, August 3, 2011

About the Book

A bad girl's guide to good men via astrology...

About me - I'm a writer and a woman who's lived several years of my life gleefully single, and I just wanted to share some of my observations with others who enjoy the single lifestyle.

I'm a student of both astrology and men, and while I wouldn't claim to be a "sex expert", or expert in either respect, over time I couldn't help but notice certain patterns emerge that seemed to bring those two hobbies together. I was dating five Pisces at the same time, for example, and couldn't escape the fact that they all shared a similarly (and delightfully) hands on approach to sex. And I'm always quite a sucker, as I've discovered, for a Leo's megawatt charm. The list goes on and on...

The result is this book, a look at our relationships with men from casual sex partner to committed, with an emphasis on the appreciation of that other sex in all his wonderful variations.

Available now:
as a Kindle e-book.
or in paperback 

Please remember to keep your tongue firmly in your cheek. This isn't meant to be a serious examination of anything, just a bit of gossip with my girlfriends.

You can read some excerpts from the book at the link above, and if you don't have a Kindle reader, you can also download Kindle to a PC or mobile device. (I never knew that before!)

The paperback version is also available on

Thanks for dropping by,

- Anya Wassenberg

Image of me is by Ellis Bateson